Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Lumberjanes: Jackelope Springs Eternal by Shannon Waters

Image result for lumberjanes jackalope springs eternal

This is a story in the series Lumberjanes, about Mal, Ripley, April, Jo, Molly, (the Roanokes) Jen (the counselor), and Emmy. The Roanokes are scared of “The Voice”. That wanted to terrorize their camp and used some of them to do so, so their counselor gets them to start hunting for a Jackalope But instead, they find a cowgirl with the oddest herd ever and a lonely tornado.

It was a funny book with some diversity... it was really fun to read about all of the sweet little (giant) animals with odd stories. I really liked when Diane said “I refuse to use my unfathomable goddess powers on a stupid branch.” I didn’t really like that it was hard to understand the storyline since I didn’t read the book that came before it (oops on me). I would recommend this book because it is a funny book, but not until you read the ones that came before it.

Speaking of mythical creatures... look at this ferocious kitten!

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